Nathan Jurgenson once said in "The Social Photo": “The normal rhythms of life are opportunities for making and browsing social photos and are as such experienced in relation to the photograph.” 
This term has been a tough one for me since I'm a graduating senior and I have been dealing with a lot of issues in both my personal and professional lives. The work I produced this term somehow reflects my current situation. The 2 artworks above are the ones that represent my mood the best. 
For the first artwork, I used the caption "’s scary what a smile can hide..". Indeed, you never know what a person is going through just by looking at the "image" they want to show to people. When I use social media, I use it with a mindset that people will only show you what they want you to see, and it's a fool of you to make judgments about a person thinking you know everything about them. So, it's important to be careful when you make judgments/assumptions about anyone you think you know. 
For the second artwork, I used the caption "Who do you come back home to after a long tiring day?". At the time, I felt so empty and lonely and was wishing to have someone to come "home" to and share with them everything that was going on in my head. But I learned how to be used to that. I believe the best way to overcome loneliness is to get used to that and become someone who is emotionally independent and is fine without having anyone around. 


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